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The start of something wonderful

Hello and welcome to our BLOG!

Here is where we will feature all the amazing things that take place at the Foothills Toy Tower to keep you connected and in touch with our efforts.

But first, you might be wondering “Where did this all begin?”, so we’re going to tell you!

Candisse McCormick & Breanna Driedger are the owner of Envious Events, a local event planning company in the Foothills, are to women who are very passionate not only about what they do but also about their community. For those of you who know them, you can attest to this as you will see each of them (if not both) at many community events throughout the year.

They’ve had some big changes to their business, and when these changes came into place they really wanted to have a signature event that really gave back to the community that they both work, live and play in. After many ideas being tossed around, and with Christmas around the corner they realized that the Foothills communities could really use something special. Something different, something that hasn’t and wasn’t happening before.

That’s when Foothills Toy Tower was born!

They realized that there was support for the food banks, and the community had the kettles out, but what about the toys? What about the families that were feeling the stress of the holidays coming? They knew that the Foothills Salvation Army did Christmas hampers, but why didn’t we ever see toy drives to support them? They knew then that they needed to do this. For the community, for the families, and for themselves to give back.

Once the decision was made that this was a go, they reached out to the Foothills Salvation Army to ensure the help was wanted...and they were welcome with wide-open arms. Gratefulness that we were going to do the event, and super supportive in helping to make it a success!

This was really happening…

They then knew that in this day and age any successful event, especially one they hope to make an annual event, they needed a huge social media presence that truly reached the people and businesses of the communities this event would support.

Que Amanda Nelson. She runs her own company, Amanda’s Adventure, a beauty, lifestyle and inspiration business that takes everything she’s passionate and skilled at, and teaches them to her clients. We knew we wanted to stand out from the rest of the online crowd, and so we knew we had to take advantage of the amazing potential that Amanda offers - thankfully she said YES! and joined our team!

After one meeting we hit the ground

We’re so excited to see this come to life. To see our community come together and support those who are in need. We’re excited to partner with other local businesses to give back and be recognized within their community for doing so.

It is our goal to give businesses and community members an opportunity to give back this Christmas season through the donation of unwrapped toys or monetary contributions in order to make sure every child in the Foothills community has a memorable and happy Christmas this season.

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